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GirlWithThePandaHat16 karma

I'm probably too late to this party but I just want to say your zombie books rekindled my love of zombie fiction. Also the survival guide pretty much let me know how boned I am if I get trapped home. I live in the back of an apartment complex, bottom floor, concrete/metal staircase and a sliding glass back door. However if I do make it out I'm hiking north because of the survival guide. Lol

Anyway now for the question. What's your favorite snack?

GirlWithThePandaHat14 karma

I think I can blend in. The internet has taught me to be very apologetic and say eh a lot. And oh my god you actually responded to me. This literally made me squeal out loud.

GirlWithThePandaHat14 karma


Dee Jay and Hugo and Dikapuri