Highest Rated Comments

GhostOfWinterfell335 karma

Can't remember if the palm trees did it but the sharks and the beach balls definitely had moving mouths. I can imagine since the beach balls don't have arms you could operate the mouth with a hand rather easily, but what about the sharks, how did they move the mouth bits with their hands in the fins?

GhostOfWinterfell230 karma

That's awesome, I thought it was a nice little touch to the costumes, you guys looked great out there. I'm not normally one to care at all about half-time shows but this one actually caught my attention and thought it was very well done (thanks in no small part to the backups/props). The 'beach' routine was my favorite so give yourself a pat on the back! Those sharks were show stealers though!

GhostOfWinterfell51 karma

I work for Coca-Cola in America. Do they make you guys sit through those lame company rally videos with pretentious Muhtar Kent extolling his vague visions of the company? Or is that just a North America thing?