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Ghastly_Vocabulary2 karma

It's okay. Children of products of their environment. You often cannot blame them. More often than not - even. I was raised by poor white trash. I moved away, studied technology, and spent years overcoming my accent. I literally practiced in my free time. Now, I make a very comfortable living in a nice city, while my brothers/family are, sadly, rotting at a factory job in a meth town. People can't even tell I am from Kentucky. ;]

While you could never get away with this these days, the teacher who said I wouldn't ever be anything - I don't know if I want to flaunt my success or thank her for pushing me to prove her wrong. Ego can sometimes work out in your favor - as fuel.

Anyways - I've always wondered this. I wouldn't teach K-12 if my life depended on it. I have seen some absolutely savage children. It appears to me that we keep children in this world of falsehood, never letting them close to reality. When they do - its quickly sink or swim with often zero preparation. I graduated high school knowing a few words in Spanish but I knew nothing of balancing income and credit ratings.

Edit: I am not knocking teaching, but my true teacher growing up was google. I grew up on 56k. People really under estimate the amazing potential of having a box that can answer any question or show you anything. People are often astonished when I say I am self-taught. Self-taught perhaps isn't the best term. Google taught me - everything.

I learned the piano, Russian, how to start building computers and configuring routers - which lead to programming, how to change my own car oil, how to build my credit (Just hit 800 range :D), how to cook, how to shop, how to breathe correctly to stop oxygen headaches (extremely bad allergies), on and on and on.

Creepily enough, google was my best teacher and parent.

Ghastly_Vocabulary1 karma

Ever meet any kids you were 99% certain would turn into felons?