Highest Rated Comments

Gh0st1y78 karma

I'm a white dude working at a Thai place, and while we're pretty suspicious of most customers, and stingy af, they're always wicked nice to me. The secret is I work hard and am quite polite, without being afraid to be funny (especially at the expense of customers) with my boss.

Gh0st1y42 karma

I like that last bit. Just because you can use skills to break the law, perhaps even get away with it, does not mean it's worth breaking the law to use them. There are plenty of legal ways to build up your skillset, and any criminal record will screw with your chances for jobs and security clearances.

Gh0st1y32 karma

I'm from Mass, but I really want to see a ranked run-off system across the country. Obviously we need to build that from the ground up, so I'm very glad to see you run on this platform in Mo., and I wish you good luck. If you win, be as loud, as vocal as possible about it, not just for your state but as an inspiration for the rest. Hell, even if you lose and go the Constitutional route you mentioned, be as loud as possible about it. Blow it up on social media, canvas, whatever you need to do. If I can help in any way from over here in the north east, I'd gladly dedicate some time to it. If so, PM me.

I really respect what you're doing, I like your platform as I've read about it on here, and overall you seem a decent dude. Good on you.

Gh0st1y30 karma

Or you broke spacetime into chunks. I think that'd stop em.

Gh0st1y20 karma

Was there any thought in your mind about... Like, exploding? I know it's rare, but I still wonder... personally, I don't think it would stop me given the opportunity, everyone does things that have the off chance of killing them pretty much every day, but I still go to school and live my life. I just wonder if it's so routine that it doesn't even cross your mind, like driving/riding in a car is for us normies.