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GentlemanFromNV3 karma

That's not even mentioning they play corresponding positions, so they actually matched up against each other frequently, in a game where you can very easily have no interaction with players on the the opposing team even with ample playing time.

GentlemanFromNV3 karma

Not OP but after a couple months on the Hill and inevitably growing to hate going to work, the Metro becomes a icon for the whole soul-sucking process.

And I loved the pulled pork at Longworth. Much better than the BBQ at Dirksen. I'd walk over to the Lower House as much as I could because Longworth is that much better than Dirksen.

GentlemanFromNV1 karma

Do you find Chuck Schumer's flip phone as funny as I do?

GentlemanFromNV1 karma

It's not a burner, though it looks like one. I saw him with it regularly for over a year. And I'd never seen him with the DC standard Blackberry.