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GennyGeo123 karma

EDIT: rock sample photos

Hey dude, sorry those “explorers” or whatever were complete idiots. However if you have any funds left, consider getting a geophysical survey of the land done. If environmental came by, I imagine they did a water and soil sample. But, did they release to you any RAWP sheet after a Phase I investigation? They would have studied the history of the area, and possibly gathered geologic data for the area, including results from a Ground Penetrating Radar survey to find buried oil/gas/septic tanks and caves/voids underground. That will probably be in the first few pages of the document. Study the data and then weigh if you’d like to conduct a drilling survey of the area to find if there’s any mineral deposits previously missed.

Depending on the last time this land was surveyed, you really could have something on your hands.

P.S I have to mention this because now’s my only chance to. I’ve been in that region of Inyo County. I popped open a couple rocks and in this one spot approximately 10’ above a hydrothermally altered bed, I found silver and galena. I’ve got photos, so lmk if you’d wanna see that lol.

GennyGeo18 karma

Going through withdrawals would be the correct answer. Otherwise, dude, no it’s safe to assume she was just a standard heroin addict.

GennyGeo6 karma

They do sometimes get legally prescribed Methadone. Maybe this girl did take methadone. But I’m not holding my breath

GennyGeo2 karma

When are you gonna be on the JRE podcast? Never is unfortunately not an answer sir

GennyGeo1 karma

Why do you look like Nick Mullen?