Highest Rated Comments

Gaysforjesus55 karma

We will come for you. And we will stand around and not say a single word . And you will feel so awkward. SO. AWKWARD.

Gaysforjesus24 karma

SAME! Hello, friend. I have literally never met another one. chest bump

Gaysforjesus11 karma

Have you ever encountered a situation where you meet with someone who clearly needs psychological support but cannot afford to pay for therapy? How did you react emotionally and what steps did you take professionally?

Gaysforjesus4 karma

As a follow up, how do you feel about the debates surrounding the DSM currently? I know that some professionals are turning away from it and its former bible-like status.

Gaysforjesus3 karma

How did you know that you wanted to be a clinical therapist? Have you ever considered switching to research? Is that an option for you in the future or do you kind of have to stick with what you choose initially?