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GatewayKeeper7 karma

I'm a current journalism student who wants to work in public radio. Any advice for those of us trying to break into the public radio market?

GatewayKeeper7 karma

Hi Tamara, I'm a big fan. I have three questions.

What advice would you give to young public radio journalists?

Do you think women radio journalists face any specific struggles/challenges?

Everyone says, "Just get out there and start." But how do you overcome the fear/paralysis of not having a good idea or not believing your ideas are good enough?

GatewayKeeper3 karma

Ah, thank you so much! I work at a local affiliate now (and unfortunately majored in journalism in college), but the advice is still very much applicable. Thank you so much.

One follow-up question: Do you think it's worth it to make things only you like? So much of what I want to make/create/write about doesn't seem like it would interest most people and doesn't feel like 'news.' But I guess I need to stop asking for permission in general... :D