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GaslightProphet459 karma

The argument that legalizing prostitution makes it safer for women just hasn’t been borne out in countries implementing full legalization. In fact, legalization has spurred traffickers to recruit children and marginalized women to meet demand. Amsterdam, long touted as the model, recently started recognizing rates of trafficking into the country have increased and is beginning to address the enormous hub of trafficking and exploitation that it's created.


Basically, demand soars far above the supply.

But that's an op-ed, and in the failing New York Times to boot /s

Let's get another source:

Countries with legalized prostitution are associated with higher human trafficking inflows than countries where prostitution is prohibited. The scale effect of legalizing prostitution, i.e. expansion of the market, outweighs the substitution effect, where legal sex workers are favored over illegal workers. On average, countries with legalized prostitution report a greater incidence of human trafficking inflows.


But hey, that's liberal Harvard. *World Development Journal, with liberal authors from liberal universities like the London School of Economics and the University of Heidleburg.

So let's try a bunch of reformed baptists and presbyterians while we're at it:

Making prostitution illegal has the beneficial effect of artificially decreasing the supply of men who would solicit a prostitute. Some men who would otherwise be interested in paying for sex are unwilling to pay the additional “costs”—the risk of being arrested and exposed as a “john.” Legalizing prostitution, though, would increase both the existing pent-up demand and the new demand that would result from de-stigmatizing the vice.

There is also the supply side of the supply and demand equation—the supply of prostitutes... the supply of non-coerced prostitutes has been—and always will be—naturally low. The disadvantages associated with prostitution are so numerous that many women would refuse to engage in sex work even if no other options for survival were available.


When the New York Times, London School of Economics, and The Gospel Coalition agree on something you can be pretty confident about it.

GaslightProphet266 karma

Are you calling ScarJo a potato? I guess she does play a Russian?

GaslightProphet145 karma

Wait, is this actually Lac? How are you doing? What's your band?

GaslightProphet117 karma


That's great to hear. It's rare to have opinions changed based on data.

GaslightProphet72 karma

Hey, Omar, forget that guy who said that this is a boring AMA. Thanks for the insight into your character and history.