Highest Rated Comments

GaryThunder33 karma

Do you feed on our tears? Because it kinda seems like you do (cough Chief cough).

GaryThunder15 karma

Well, I mean, it's your story. And I know you have it preplanned. And I know that deaths are sometimes necessary (the death of K'Seliss, sob, opened up the character roster for Biscuit to enter the story).

But what I mean to say is, do you have a George R. R. Martin-like enjoyment of our sorrow?

GaryThunder9 karma

Imagine how long it takes to draw a page of Goblins versus, say, an XKCD strip.

GaryThunder9 karma

Was the Blue Orb of Bloodlight consumed when Fox used it to give Dies a new arm? I was never quite clear on that.

GaryThunder8 karma

Darn. Here I was hoping that Biscuit might get a kickass glowing leg.

Well, that would make him even more overpowered than he already is, I suppose.