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GamerMcGame2 karma

Do the displays ever come to life at night due to an ancient Egyptian tablet?

GamerMcGame2 karma

Why do most game devs suggest coding games 'in a language you are comfortable with'?

Is there a program that makes it easier to animate a character after creating the model?

Do you think people are ceasing to buy games for the single player and are now buying for the multiplayer?

Why does it seem most new games don't get the concept of symmetrical maps? Why has multiplayer started using load outs where you can use perks/different guns from the start rather than having guns/perks on map that need to be fought for?

In your opinion has this killed competitive multiplayer for the sake of looking 'cool' or 'flashy'?

GamerMcGame1 karma

played baseball

'Took the kids to the park to play chuck the ball at them, they would catch it with their head. Sometimes I would put them in the batting cage and just watch them stand there crying with every thud from the pitching machine, until I had to put another quarter in the batting cage. That'll teach the fucker to color the walls with my lipstick.'