Highest Rated Comments

GL1001-8 karma

I draw a boundary against personal criticism

GL1001-9 karma

rape apologist lol

GL1001-14 karma

once you publish a self-help book on the issue is probably when narcissism begins

GL1001-17 karma

Nah, it's selfish to be the tall poppy who is either emotionally weak and cant handle gift giving or too arrogant and above the exchange of gifts to family and friends.

Every morning I come into work and my boss makes chit chat about the weather or soccer. I wish i could set a boundary and say: "Hi, we are not friends. I am here to work and you pay me for my work".

I dont. Instead, i pretend that i give a fuck about soccer and tolerate it for 5 minutes then move on with my day without giving it a second thought...because I'm not an alien from some distant planet who doesnt understand basic human interaction and social etiquette.

GL1001-28 karma
