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Fusion_power1392 karma

Impressive.... not how you make money, but that you have the balls to tell it like it is. I'll look you up and think really hard about opening an account.

Fusion_power402 karma

Con artist story, but I was not a victim. A guy called me one day asking to purchase some plants - which I grow and sell as a small business. He offered quite a bit of business conditional that I would produce the plants using organic methods. He came to visit me a few days later and purchased 1000 tomato plants. I was being paid in cash for tomato plants which was fine for my business. I sell plants all day long to anyone who comes by with cash in hand. Also important, since I was always paid on delivery, I did not get taken to the cleaners like the people who were growing the tomatoes.

At the same time, he was advertising a business getting people to grow organic tomatoes in greenhouses which he would then market to Publix. He signed up about 250 people for one or more greenhouses with an initial investment of $9000 per greenhouse. People were tapping their life savings to get a greenhouse and some plants with a promise of up to $40,000 per year selling organic tomatoes. Do you start to see where this is going? He now had about $3 million to work with and was having hoop greenhouses installed at a cost of about $4000 each but without heaters for winter operation. He paid me for the plants to put in the greenhouses and had a crew driving around in a van putting in plants. Nice business so far, lots of tomatoes start to come in and it slips out that he does not have a contract with Publix, in fact, he doesn't even have a way to market the tomatoes. I did not know most of the other things going on as my only interaction with him was to deliver plants and collect payment. It came to a head with an expose' from a local TV station and suddenly the business collapsed.

When things went south, he headed to North Carolina and started another business raising worms in your basement and producing worm castings for sale. $5000 to get in the door and he would provide racks and trays to maintain the worms and buy the extra worms and the worm castings. As you may guess, that business collapsed pretty fast and this time he was arrested and bailed out with an ankle monitor. He cut the monitor off and headed off to Florida where he set up a business called Pockles Pickles growing organic cucumbers. The bail bondsman traced him down and showed up at the motel early one morning and arrested him and brought him home to face the music. He is currently serving 15 years. You can find this with "Jamie Lawhorne tomato con".

The point of all this? A con man rarely stops with just one con. It is one con after another after another just as fast as he can set them up.

Back story: https://www.thedailyscoop.com/news/retail-industry/breaking-bad-chasing-wildest-con-artist-farming-history

Fusion_power8 karma

Read the details a bit more carefully. The most recent crash had the pilots disable MCAS, then re-enable it after the aircraft failed to stabilize. When they re-enabled it, MCAS rapidly pushed the nose down and could not be recovered. This clearly indicates there is a problem with the system design.

Fusion_power2 karma

It sounds like your injury was in the lower back. Are you expecting to recover full use of your legs?

True forgiveness comes from the heart and does not have to be asked for. Holding anger toward another person is like holding a knife by the blade thinking it won't cut.

Fusion_power1 karma

Meet another self-solver. I learned to solve it first by what I later learned was called a "two cycle" paired with a rotation for corners. It was inefficient, taking 3 days to solve it the first time.

Do you collect books on cube solving? If so, do you have the one by Singmaster?