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Furherevynn238 karma

Hi Steven. I'm a constituent within Brady's district. Haven't lived here long, but I already know that Brady does not support my views. So, I'm glad you're doing some outreach.

Here's my questions:

1) Net Neutrality. Brady, as well as our Senators, seem to think that the concept of Net Neutrality is anti-competition and by removing the Title II regulations will improve the internet. They also seem to think that companies will, on good faith, not block or throttle content. However, we've seen in the past that this is not true (for example, from 2007 to 2009, AT&T tried to force Apple to block VoIP services when not on Wi-Fi, and in 2012 they straight up blocked FaceTime unless users upgraded their data). Where do you stand on Net Neutrality, what kind of regulations (or lack of) would you support in order to keep the internet free? And will you pay attention to the public on this issue?

2) The Rising Cost of Education/Student Loans. What do you plan to work towards in terms of the ever rising costs of education and the burden of student debt. I recently got my master's degree in Computer Information Systems and have a strong interest in public service jobs, though I am not in one right now. The recent tax bill proposals could kill student loan interest deductions and, if I'm not mistaken, also the public service loan forgiveness plan used to encourage people to join public service jobs. As a representative, how will you target fixing the costs of education and the ever growing debt problems?

3) Healthcare. The constant fight over healthcare nowadays is just frustrating. What healthcare proposals do you support, and why?

4) LGBT Rights. Texas is not exactly a bastion for equal rights for all. I'm LGBT, and watching the recent trend of "bathroom bills" and discrimination hiding under the guise of "religious freedom" is really discouraging. Just Monday, the Supreme Court sent back a case to the Texas courts that has the potential to deny benefits for city same sex spouses. Will you fight for LGBT rights in the US House? Where do you stand on these issues?

5) Getting Elected. Brady has a strong grip on the District. And while I have known you were running for quite a while, I never really see a whole lot about you floating around. What's your strategy to get your name out more, and how are you trying to get the voters to know just who you are and what you stand for?

Looking forward to your responses and thanks for doing this AMA.

Furherevynn15 karma

Thank you for your responses. These are basically all entirely my views on the matter as well.

Furherevynn1 karma

Thank you!