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FrederickWiseman6 karma

The longest I've ever watched a reality television show was 20 seconds. And that was once.

FrederickWiseman4 karma

My next big project is - I'm working with a choreographer on a ballet based on my first film, Titicut Follies. Part of the ballet will be performed at the Toronto Film Festival on September 11. And the world premiere will be in October of 2016 in New York.

When I'm shooting my next film, it won't consist of anyone other than a film crew. The crew consists of myself and three other people. I direct and do the sound, I work with a camera man, an assistant cameraman, and someone who downloads the digital information (a DIT).

FrederickWiseman4 karma

And: Duck Soup.

FrederickWiseman4 karma

As for a subject I've always wanted to document: The White House.

FrederickWiseman4 karma

Marry rich.