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FragmentProduction6 karma

Mikko: As the creative director of the Rescue franchise, I have always been fascinated by firefighting, even to the point of becoming a junior volunteer firefighter myself. Thus, being proposed to make a game about it was like living up a dream. From the beginning we at Fragment wanted Rescue to be a game about mundane heroism present in firefighter life, featuring the realistic procedures, vehicles and elements from characters to missions. This is our homage to a great profession, existence of which saves countless lives daily.

FragmentProduction6 karma

Ilkka:We are definitely thinking about other regions as well! We have done a lot of training with the Finnish firestations and their crew and we are constantly looking at what is happening in that industry in terms of technology development, operations and so on. Finland would also bring additional element in terms of the weather and long distances! :D

FragmentProduction5 karma

Steve:...Are you "totalbiscuit"? We have sent it out to a few YouTubers such as ArsenalRobert! He's doing a Let's Play!

Just realized I may not have told my Boss that I gave away a code...

Ilkka: No we have not, but we sure are going to giveaway presscodes etc. We are pretty new here so all help, advice is really great! We are also going to do some kind of contest and giveaways through our facebook page where we hope that any gamer can post their reviews

FragmentProduction3 karma

Steve: We'll look into it! :D Thanks for the suggestion!

FragmentProduction3 karma

Steve: I can assure you, we are not, but we did tell our Finnish fans through Facebook, and I don't think most of them were previously redditors...!