Highest Rated Comments

FormalWare834 karma

How did the U.S. come to adopt a system of elected law enforcement and criminal justice officials? It seems very strange to me, observing from Canada; I wonder why anyone would want politicians in those roles. Have there been serious movements to do away with elections of sheriffs (or DAs, or judges), in favour of appointments?

FormalWare21 karma

Excellent point. (Albertan, here. Having none of this "Sovereignty Act" BS.)

FormalWare16 karma

I realize good results aren't guaranteed under either approach, but I do find it surprising that anyone would prefer their district judge, for example, be the best campaigner, rather than the best.. you know... judge.

Ultimately, everyone in public service must be accountable to elected officials - but I like the idea of professionals in crucial positions like judge and chief prosecutor (DA). If they turn out to be corrupt, elected leaders can fire and replace them. Sheriff, specifically, is a weird one: police chiefs, with similar power and responsibility, are appointed by mayors, yet most sheriffs are directly elected; it's a mish-mash.

FormalWare15 karma

Automatic password changing! Now you have my attention.

FormalWare9 karma

Where do you stand on nuclear power as an alternative to fossil fuels? As I understand it, the Green New Deal does not provide for the expansion of nuclear power generation capacity, abandoning a viable path to zero GG emissions.