Highest Rated Comments

ForeverAMinuteLate811 karma

These alert dogs amaze me and I'm so happy you found her! Have you ever doubted one of her alerts and not immediately changed your behavior? Will she escalate her alerts until you stop/sit/or lay down? Also, has she ever sensed a problem with another person and alerted? Thanks!!

ForeverAMinuteLate8 karma

Thanks!! She's awesome!!

ForeverAMinuteLate5 karma

Thank you so so much for your sweet words and taking time to reach out! Something I forgot to mention is the strange fact that that this person actually broke up with me. He was very drunk and declared that we were done so I took that opportunity to run. However, he did try to apologize and get back together but I absolutely did not say yes. So I think that is a part that messes with my head. I never actually took that step to escape myself.

Thank you again! People like you are inspiring with your strength in sharing!

ForeverAMinuteLate3 karma

Thank you so much for sharing and opening up! I've been really struggling with that and am just recently getting comfortable sharing and realizing that I can possibly turn my story into something that can hopefully help other victims.

I was in an emotionally and physically abusive relationship during college and still have not shared that information with my parents or many friends. I still hold on to guilt and am afraid that they will always see me as the girl who didn't have the guts to just leave and be embarrassed that their daughter didn't stand up for herself or blame themselves. Do you come across guilt as a common issue for those have been victims of abuse?