Highest Rated Comments

FockerCRNA75 karma

Doc: Hey Focker, what brings you in today?

Focker: I sprained my ankle.

Doc: why are your eyes bleeding?

Focker: lets not get into that, I don't get paid until next week

FockerCRNA40 karma

Lawrence Lessig, Republic Lost

its also a good book about money in politics in general

FockerCRNA29 karma

Just because noone has answered it, the shocks were from a nerve stimulator, like you said, we use it to check how your muscles are responding to the paralytic. I'm sorry that you are able to remember all of that, do you know if they gave you anything to try to ensure you wouldn't remember? For cases like yours, scopolamine might be given because it has little cardiovascular effect but generally makes it unlikely that you could form memories.

FockerCRNA28 karma

there was a mythbusters about that, they ruled it fact

FockerCRNA13 karma

I think it needs to be vigorously disincentivized. So, you can't be forced to get the vaccine, but then you or your children can't attend public school, work in the proximity of people for a public employer, and private entities can make similar rules.