Highest Rated Comments

Flyingmealsaucer145 karma

You really really should have a problem with that if you are still in the witness protection program

Flyingmealsaucer83 karma

But he can afford your rectum

Flyingmealsaucer46 karma

Coffee ground is usually a symptom of a bleeding higher up but could also be from the colon. If it's fresh blood (red) then it's lower down (or a massive bleed higher up). Any symptoms of black stool (unless you have just eaten something that turns your stool black) or blood you should contact a doctor. Best case scenario it's hemorrhoids. Worst case it's cancer but finding it early is key.

Flyingmealsaucer16 karma

Are you a politician? This is such a politician answer. I don't think it's possible to give a more vague answer. Either answer the question properly or gtfo

Flyingmealsaucer15 karma

If you have bloody stools the insurance should say it's okay.