Highest Rated Comments

FiveDollarHoller10 karma

I'm a big fan of the XCOM series, Enemy Unknown was outstanding. My questions:

1) Will you be releasing a Steam Demo of Declassified for people to try out the new mechanics?

2) Is there any movement on the next title yet? Recognizing Declassified was willing to break the XCOM mold, will XCOM ever come out with a co-op version? What ideas (rough/preliminary as they may be) are you all tossing around?


FiveDollarHoller2 karma

Who's your choice for most likely upset in the semifinals and why? Wings, Sharks, Senators or Rangers? (Feel free to disqualify Sharks-Kings since they're adjacent seeds).

FiveDollarHoller-2 karma

It really was never a first person perspective. They really just zoomed in the camera a bit, it's still third person, just went from Omnicient to Over Shoulder