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Filthy_Ramhole34 karma

Yes, this is true.

There is ~25 minutes we have to get someone out from under a train and get it moving again, otherwise the tunnel temp is too high and people start collapsing, with 500+ people in each of the hundreds of tube trains, thats alot of collapses, especially in peak hour. London Ambulance actually has a contingency plan for this...

If we envisage a >25min extrication (there was one in 2017, pt trapped between wheel and carriage), then they’ll begin deboarding trains in the tunnel and getting people out.

Filthy_Ramhole28 karma

when i last worked with ERU they’d trained their own drivers, since BTP didn’t have the HGV drivers available.

Filthy_Ramhole25 karma

The british are more selfish than the japanese. Not taking fares would just be seen as a free day of travel, not a workers strike.

Pissing off city workers actually gets you noticed.

Filthy_Ramhole22 karma

Possibly because Tube drivers aren’t allowed to verify death, and we don’t generally declare death underneath a train, rather once they’ve been removed.

Filthy_Ramhole16 karma

Gets bricks shipped to burner addresses, cuts and distributes from stash houses, never fails to pay the cartels.

Cartels arent going to go murder their customers who buy a brick a week in upfront untraceable coins and cannot identify them.