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Ffffqqq13 karma

How much of your money is in bitcoin vs cash/other assets? Not talking exacts figures obviously but ballpark ratio?

Ffffqqq8 karma

When his former partners broke off and formed the Dr Xanax they shortly became his strong competition, leading to price wars and increasingly overdosed bars to try the have the best product. Dr Xanax was busted relatively quickly and there are rumors that Quantik played a part in their arrest.

After that he started multiple vendor accounts and later stated that be doesnt mind competition as long as its with himself. It is known that he ran at the very least Quantik, Alpraking, XanaxBaron and LordXanax accounts. As well as Montfort who was just a drop shipper and not a xanax vendor. He also has something to do with the BenzoChems account.

Ffffqqq7 karma

Those two buddies? Dr Xanax.

Baseless speculation but the image is funny in my mind