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Fender232213 karma

They're bigger than they look. On the deck there are a few arrestor cables that you're aiming for. On your approach you lower your tow hook and land on the deck snagging one of the cables which stops you from going over the other side. Think of it as running really fast into a big rubber band near the edge of a cliff. It stretches out but stops you before going over.

Fender232210 karma

They did open casting for quite a few roles as well across the US. My girlfriend auditioned for Daisy Ridleys role and got through a few rounds of callbacks. Scarily enough they look strangely alike. Although I would be extremely happy if my girlfriend was cast in Star Wars, it would ruin it for me too.

Fender23229 karma

I'd love and hate to AD a film like this. I work as an AD often, but I can't imagine on this scale.

Fender23228 karma

It's a flawed system. Remember the 18 year old a few months back that had sex with a 15 year old girl who lied about her age? Her parents pressed charges even though she confessed to lying and told them not to. He is now a registered sex offender. Lived at home while going to school, but had to move out because he had a little brother and wasn't allowed to be in the same residence. It can ruin your life.

When I was 19, I met a girl that was 16, but didn't know. We never had sex, but we were going down that path when I found out. She was a great girl and was very mature for her age probably because she was homeschooled and her parents made her work. We never dated because I assumed her parents would be the kind to press charges. It just sucks after you find out and have already formed a bond with this person. That's a sophomore and senior in high school age difference. The legal system is terrible when it comes to these cases and it can seriously ruin your life. There's a difference in a man taking advantage of a 15 year old, and a 15 year old not stating her age and consenting. Age of consent though.

Fender23227 karma

It always is usually. On productions this size, they have huge amounts of catering. It's more work to say " top billed gets this, crew gets medium level food, and extras get Taco Bell." Much easier to have caterers and food trucks come out and just let everyone pick what they want.