Highest Rated Comments

Felipe_AP79 karma

which particular thought kept you going forward during the hardest moments of your fights? what would you advice to someone with 23 years old?

Felipe_AP32 karma

Thanks sir. My sister's husband is a captain at the navy of the country where I live and I've heard similar things about their research centers which caught my attention. So I'll consider your words during the next days.

Wishing you a nice time here on Reddit.

Felipe_AP20 karma

Hola, linda. Sé que no sólo inspiras chicas, sino a muchos hombres también. Un abrazo ;)

Felipe_AP19 karma

did you have experiences that didn't let you sleep quietly during your job at the CIA? which one(s)? (i mean, if you can tell openly)
Also considering the philosophy of life you acquired there, what would you advice to people who are the same age you had when joining the CIA?

Felipe_AP10 karma

which year was it? and... how was it like? i mean, the night you were on set and that. Looks amusing.