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FarAway8593 karma

I worked in the funeral profession and if someone had been ill for a while or was very old, there usually isn't an autopsy. You need two doctors to sign off the cause of death and if one or either is suspicious, it's referred to the coroner.

If, however, they hadn't seen their doctor in approx. 1 year and/or their family is suspicious and/or they were young is there an autopsy. We had to actually ask "Do you believe the death was violent or unnatural?" because of Dr Shipman. It's a horrible question to ask of a grieving family but I would apologise for the nature of the question and say it's because of Dr Harold Shipman that I had to ask and every single family was ok with it.

Dr Shipman targeted elderly people with little to no family and through his actions was the medical profession able to see the cracks in the system and tighten it up. It blows my mind the number of people he murdered and the length of time in which he operated.

(Edited because phone autocorrected 'Dr Shipman' to 'Dr Who').

FarAway8527 karma

Have you found that people enter the profession with the intention of committing murder on vulnerable people? Or have they been tempted having experienced the 'power' as a doctor and they literally want to play with someone's life?