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FalcunPaunch11 karma

the average gay man has 1100 sexual partners in his lifetime.

God, that would be exhausting.

FalcunPaunch10 karma

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and weak!

FalcunPaunch5 karma

Fundamentalists will bend over backwards finding hate where there is none, and even further to find love where there is none. The bible is a despicable collection of nonsense laced with hatespeech. There's no love in it, there's no ethical grounding. It's just bullshit.

You cannot "figuratively" interpret biblical law stating the exact punishment for a woman found to be non-virginal on her wedding night. There's no non-literal way to read "if she does x, kill the bitch in public." But apologists will insist that we're the ones who can't read.

FalcunPaunch4 karma

If you're talking about where Paul directly condemns "homosexuality," he makes up a word, as none existed in Greek for what he was talking about, but it was some kind of mashup between "to bed" (sexually) and "boy", but the meaning of that is difficult to translate as, again, he made up a word. It could mean pederasty, pedophilia, homosexuality, prostitution, etc.. Other than definitely talking about having sex with young men, the context is difficult to determine.

FalcunPaunch2 karma

Why do you think that your testimony as a straight man was so much more valued than the testimony of actual LGBT people?

Also, why could you not be a decent human being and accept what we were saying to be true?

Are you planning on going a year in blackface before you believe racism exists?