Highest Rated Comments

FakePlasticShrimp11 karma

Didn't you feel the force of them hitting the hill vibrate the ground?

I thought that, rather than the fires being bright the bangs would be really ear-drum popping loud and that you'd feel the force of each rocket through the ground and vibrate through your chest...

I only think this because reading about ww1 some guy describes the trench warfare as being strapped to a board when a huge guy with a sledge hammer runs towards you and swings it to your head with all his might, missing by inches... This happening constantly is why so many were shellshocked.

Or maybe you were running from phosphorous?

FakePlasticShrimp-1 karma

If i play blackjack and stand at 17, what are my odds of winning?

(Assuming hit at 16 - 17+ stand)