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FakeCurtisLeMay173 karma

You probably can't answer this, but I'd really like to know how you got the tape. Did someone pay $50,000 a plate for the opportunity to tape this just in case Romney said something dumb?

What's the legality of taping something like this? I know in certain states both parties have to consent to a taping of a conversation. Does that apply to a large event?

FakeCurtisLeMay33 karma

I thought I read somewhere that Kubrick had a lot of issues with Kirk Douglas and the screenwriter for Spartacus and distanced himself from the film.

FakeCurtisLeMay21 karma

How important is bilateral symmetry? I ask this as someone with one eye smaller than the other.

FakeCurtisLeMay2 karma

What do you think of the argument that, for certain countries, political appointees are preferable to career FSOs because they have personal relationships with the President and people close to him and, as a result, they don't have to go through the bureaucracy.