Highest Rated Comments

FaintedIsMyNick4 karma

Question 1: Why'd it take so long to develop?

2: What was your company's experiences with the kickstarter?

Thanks for doing the ama!

FaintedIsMyNick3 karma

Thanks for doing the AMA! There is a big debate in the nordic countries to figure out how to help refugees in the best possible way, so I'm wondering if you could increase our perspective in the matter.

  1. What is your family's mindset now focused on when you have arrived in Sweden? Like, any concerns or needs?
  2. Do you feel that the population is generally welcoming of your family and peers?
  3. If you could be the foreign minister of Sweden for a day and make 1 change to improve things such as getting jobs, education, family-reunion and so forth, which change would help your family the most?
  4. Is there anything you would wish every european knew, that would help every refugee?

Again, thanks for opening this dialogue. I hope you and your loved ones find peace and refuge among many great things in Sweden and good luck on your ambition to become president!

FaintedIsMyNick1 karma

Late to the party, sorry. As a developer currently porting a pen and paper RPG to digital, I would like to hear your thoughts on preserving analogue-specific aesthetics and thought processes when converting them to digital. You mentioned in other replies that you made use of the expanded digital affordances, to help guide the player for instance, but which thoughts have you had on preserving the soul of the boardgame? (Which imo is physical aethetics, interfaces and player-thought-processes)

Thanks for doing the this, and good luck with the game!