Highest Rated Comments

FPSXpert609 karma

I recently saw Pirates of Silicon Valley, a film that claims to portray both Apple and Microsoft's rise to fame. Regarding that, I have a few questions for you, Mr. Gates.
- Have you seen this movie, and if so did it seem accurate in portraying yourself and Steve Jobs??
- If you could go back in time and do it all over again, would you do anything different?
- Any other interesting run-ins with the government besides the Porsche 911 incident?
- Would you rather jump a horse-sized chair or 100 chair-sized horses?
- What's your biggest "first world problem"?
- What version of Windows do you use?

Thank you for taking the time to handle all these AMAs.

FPSXpert103 karma

We need to update the Waffle House Index to include these. 75-100% of Chinese takeout places open means not too much damage, 50-75 is badly damaged, 25-50 is complete devestation and 0-25 is apocalyptic.

FPSXpert62 karma

Just playing devil's advocate here, towers can cost on average $150K each to install, they aren't cheap. Also some NIMBY'ers are idiots and don't allow for towers to be built in their community like mine because they think their values will go down, then the same people are left wondering why they can't get a signal.

They're more than happy to let Verizon come in and set up small 10 foot "booster" towers exclusive to their customers though. Rediculous.

FPSXpert59 karma

Can I ask for a pitch for Firefox users? I have Brave too but I never use it when Firefox does what I want. Genuinely curious.

FPSXpert16 karma