Highest Rated Comments

ExpatChronicles657 karma

It didn't. I don't mean to be rude but I should've killed more of them, many situations called for it.

ExpatChronicles641 karma

of course. There was one guy who ran the whole show, El Donkey. There were three more guys at high levels, and loads of middle managers for every patio and pasillo in the prison.

Gangs, more than I could keep track of. I lived in a different area because I had a bit of money. There were the m-19 guerrillas, there were cocaine cartels, but no paramilitaries at that stage of the game.

ExpatChronicles624 karma

You have to understand that in La Modelo prison, life was absolutely worthless. Life had no value whatsoever. So this one fella, a football mate I was friendly with, sold me something that wasn't his. It became a tense situation in the prison yard because the owner of the item was a mafia guy, and I had this item in my pocket. YOU CAN NOT DO THAT. It was him or me, the football mate of mine. He did it so he could smoke more crack. If that's not a killing offense, nothing is. And in La Modelo, that definitely is.

I have zero remorse whatsoever.

ExpatChronicles559 karma

It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice.

ExpatChronicles515 karma

You could get anything you wanted at any given moment. Fantastic drugs. In prison was the only time I went for years without lacking marijuana ever. Maybe 2 or 3 hours at the most, waiting for a Sunday morning when the whores who visited would take the drugs out of their pussy or whatever. But the wait was never long.

The screws do not run the prison there. The prisoners run the prison. That's the main difference between here and there. And if anyone wants to kill someone at any time, you tell the screw to fuck off.