Highest Rated Comments

EvilMonkeySlayer156 karma

Op is curiously silent...

EvilMonkeySlayer37 karma

Yes it will, you just use a lower bitrate when encoding.

EvilMonkeySlayer5 karma

Over the years we've heard lots about Elite 4, I'm guessing a lot of those were Frontier Developments getting some publisher interest (hence periods where you guys were being a bit more public about it) and then vacuum. Where I'm guessing the publisher interest died off.

How much did that affect you guys on a when you're gearing up to make a game you evidently really want to make and then the disappointment and heartache of knowing it isn't to be?

Also, because of the high profile popularity of things like Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen are you guys being approached by publishers again? (in regards to Elite Dangerous)

EvilMonkeySlayer1 karma

On your planned travels is there any plan to team up with others to help or provide a different view other than your own?

For example teaming up for one trip with Patrick Klepek back to Iceland.