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Evanjhill34 karma

Hello Daniels! I'm a film student who is about to start school in the east. I noticed in an interview that you two also started your careers over here. What was the transition like to California? Were you easily able to make connections before you moved over or did you have to move out there and figure it out as you went? I'm a little worried about not attending USC :/

Evanjhill33 karma

How did you go about discussing the characters with Dan and Paul without feeling too...overbearing? Like, you wrote this script over a couple years so clearly you knew those characters well so how did you stage discussions that would allow your actors to create their own ideas about the characters without too much of your own opinions put in?

Evanjhill31 karma

Thanks for the reply! Sounds like a life I'd love to live. The internet has served a greater influence for me at times than all the directors in Hollywood combined so it's good to know you can actually get discovered there. Swiss Army Man was a work of genius, I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future.