Highest Rated Comments

Ethan523 karma

Why are you currently putting so little focus on civil liberties and instead investing massive resources into race/sexuality/gender issues? Why are you refusing to defend free speech that could be seen to run contrary to your political goals as pertain to race/sexuality/gender, when historically the ACLU has made a point of defending even the speech we would (and did) consider heinous?

Ethan30 karma

The ACLU has declined to take on a number of recent cases that didn't align with their current values/agenda. If you compare the number of cases they're working in the race/sexuality/gender area to their free speech cases, it indicates a drastic change in philosophy on their part.

Ethan3 karma

Hi, not sure if it's too late, but: what do you think of the various proposals about how to change social media in order to combat disinformation... for example, requiring strict ID authentification so that one's online self is tightly linked to one's offline self?