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ErrantWhimsy360 karma

In your rare moments at home, what do you cook?

Edit: Bricker pointed out that he has answered this before. So, alternatives:

-What is your favorite food that comes in a can or box? (Admit it, when was the last time you had mac & cheese?)

-You mentioned once that you mostly order out when you are home. Why is that?

-What is your favorite recipe? (Suggested by Sockpuppets)

-If you could have only 4 tools in your kitchen, what would they be?

Comment with your suggestions below and I will add to this list.

ErrantWhimsy221 karma

What is a dog card?

ErrantWhimsy180 karma

Former zookeeper here. "finger painting" is common in a lot of captive primate species. You should take a look into that as part of your research.

ErrantWhimsy174 karma

"I come before you in the Name of the Lord" is pretty much where I stopped.

ErrantWhimsy125 karma

One of the biggest things I realized that you can do when your friends go through this is say "you can talk to me about how awful this is 4 times a day every day for years if you need to."

There comes a time when the senseless horror is still there but it's months later and you assume everyone around you is tired of hearing it. But you aren't done needing to release it.