Highest Rated Comments

ErdricktheRoto53 karma

As a 34 year old man that still is deeply in love with the SNES consider me hyped.

ErdricktheRoto49 karma

Ross, awhile ago when you posted your thank you message (http://www.reddit.com/r/gamegrumps/comments/1kiiil/a_personal_message_from_ross/) on the subreddit as Arin and Danny did, you mentioned that your grandfather passed away around the time Steam Train debuted while everyone was freaking out at the changes to the Game Grumps channel. At the time I wrote a lengthy reply relating to your story because my grandfather also passed away around that time. I just wanted to thank you once again for not only writing a reply, but putting things in perspective for me about death in general with a humorous response. I did thank you for your reply at that time, but I didn't mention what I just said, and I guess I figure I might as well do it now. So thank you once again!

Anyway, I don't want things to get too heavy so here are a couple of questions:

1.) If you were a villain would you be named Sephiross? 2.) What do you like most about playing games with Dan and Arin when recording an episode? 3.) How awkward did you make Dan feel when all four of you took that nude photo in the Game Grumps calendar? Come on, something like that had to happen!

ErdricktheRoto1 karma

Any plans for another video game themed album? Original material? Love your stuff man, look forward to it all the time!

ErdricktheRoto1 karma

Paul Waggoner kicks down your door with a guitar in hand and demands that you both do a video game and non video game cover. Which songs do you cover?