Highest Rated Comments

EncryptedFreedom3 karma

  1. Do you believe the west will soon be at threat to Chinese pressure? It's almost daily now that Western based companies shill out to China and practically bend over for their forgiveness. Do you believe this is an ever-growing trend of China slowly eroding democracy?
  2. Do you truly believe it is possible to become an independent and democratic country? I think it's inevitable that China will eventually deploy troops at the request of your government, how are you prepared to face this threat?
  3. When did YOU finally make the choice to stand up and fight for your freedom? What was the breaking point and do you wish you had done something different?

EncryptedFreedom2 karma

Thank you for responding. I wish you, your family, and your students the best of luck. I've signed petitions, written letters to local and provincial government. I'm hoping us in Canada can pressure our government to step up and act instead of just wagging the finger at China. Keep fighting for your independence and freedom, I can say as a Canadian citizen that it is worth every bit of suffering.

EncryptedFreedom1 karma

lmao what, if someone is provided clear instruction and choses to discard it thats out of the instructors control. There is only so much you can do.