Highest Rated Comments

EmmaNyhus8 karma

Do you have any tips for anyone who wants to try as an actor? I really want to try, but there isn't really any acting classes where I live so if you have any other tips. That'd be really helpful. :)

Ps, I loved you in X-men :)

Love Emma. :)

EmmaNyhus1 karma

Thanks for good answers :) If you need someone to tell you about Norway, just say yes. There is a lot to know about my country.

Do you have any good sightseeing tips if I am ever to visit Australia or the US? Which I hope I do since they are both my favourite countries, haha.

Do you have any acting tips? I really like to act, but there isn't really any acting things around where I live. So I've kind of given up on it, but I want to continue since it's super fun. Even if I'm reading full TV-shows scripts by myself...

Love Emma, again :)

EmmaNyhus1 karma

Hey Luke. Have you ever thought about visiting Norway? If not you should.

Also, do you have any good food recipes and maybe some healthy recipes? Do you have any training tips to a beginner who really need a BIG motivation to get started.

Love Emma. :)

EmmaNyhus1 karma

Favorite/Least favorite fast food restaurant?

Also have you ever tasted Norwegian food?

Guess you know who I am now. Love Emma or should we go with Love E?

EmmaNyhus1 karma

My last random question is...... Would you ever date a fan? Or someone along those lines?

That's the last you get from for now. It's 1.38am here in Norway, so it's time for bed. Good night :) Sleep tight when you're headed to bed.

Love E! Also if you have any questions about Norway or just about anything, my Twitter username is the same as this one.

Night, sleep tight, sweet dreams, don't let the bed bugs bite and have fun :D