Highest Rated Comments

Elronnd5 karma

Why does http://westofloathing.com/ have no title and no favicon?

Elronnd5 karma

Can you add key rebinding to wol?

Elronnd3 karma

FWIW, I never found it that hard to look at disassembly in c (can run objdump, or gdb+disas). You can also do a similar sort of easy disassembly in common lisp:

* (disassemble '(lambda (x y) (+ (* 2 x x) (* 3 y) -1)))

; disassembly for (LAMBDA (X Y))
; Size: 101 bytes. Origin: #x10034A6BAB
; BAB:       488B0C2508041020 MOV RCX, [#x20100408]           ; no-arg-parsing entry point
                                                              ; SB-VM::*BINDING-STACK-POINTER*
; BB3:       48894DF8         MOV [RBP-8], RCX
; BB7:       488B55F0         MOV RDX, [RBP-16]
; BBB:       BF04000000       MOV EDI, 4
; BC0:       FF1425B800B021   CALL QWORD PTR [#x21B000B8]     ; GENERIC-*
; BC7:       488B7DF0         MOV RDI, [RBP-16]
; BCB:       FF1425B800B021   CALL QWORD PTR [#x21B000B8]     ; GENERIC-*
; BD2:       488BDA           MOV RBX, RDX
; BD5:       48895DE0         MOV [RBP-32], RBX
; BD9:       488B55E8         MOV RDX, [RBP-24]
; BDD:       BF06000000       MOV EDI, 6
; BE2:       FF1425B800B021   CALL QWORD PTR [#x21B000B8]     ; GENERIC-*
; BE9:       488BFA           MOV RDI, RDX
; BEC:       488B5DE0         MOV RBX, [RBP-32]
; BF0:       488BD3           MOV RDX, RBX
; BF3:       FF1425A800B021   CALL QWORD PTR [#x21B000A8]     ; GENERIC-+
; BFA:       48C7C7FEFFFFFF   MOV RDI, -2
; C01:       FF1425A800B021   CALL QWORD PTR [#x21B000A8]     ; GENERIC-+
; C08:       488BE5           MOV RSP, RBP
; C0B:       F8               CLC
; C0C:       5D               POP RBP
; C0D:       C3               RET
; C0E:       CC0F             BREAK 15                        ; Invalid argument count trap

Elronnd2 karma

What were some of the questions they asked you?

Elronnd1 karma

Not OP, but heavy watchers are more likely to renew their subscriptions over and over and over again, while light watchers are more likely to maybe keep their subscription for a year, maybe decide it isn't worth it. Also, heavy watchers give them more metrics, which are hugely useful in every area.