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ElectricRook14 karma

I thought Betlegeuse was a red giant with very low density, basically a glowing vacuum. How can that swallow another star?

ElectricRook13 karma

You're my new hero.

ElectricRook12 karma

Remember, we were battling people who wanted to make Nicaragua look like North Korea. Complete with Uncle "I don't kill for the revolution, I kill for revenge" Che. Yes, the same Uncle Che who sent children to the firing squad.

ElectricRook11 karma

Dear Professor Gallagher, How does the United Nations Committee for Development Policy navigate a path to achieve restorative justice for the people, when the US has turned away from, and leading many other capitalist countries from the path of climate justice?

ElectricRook11 karma

How will you factor in human caused forest economics change?

I didn't put it all together until last year.

100 years ago, there were no dams in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains. Salmon were able to migrate all the way to just about the crest of the Sierra Nevada range almost to Lake Tahoe (a few miles from Nevada) . Many tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of salmon migrated up these streams to spawn. After which they die (these are 20lb fish spawning and dying in the streams in the hundreds of millions every year) ... until the dams went up, and those fish never returned. Think about the lost protein and calories available to bears, raccoons, badgers, fishers, opossums, skunks, minks, carrion birds, and what ever rats, mice, and the whole plankton ecosystem based around hundreds of millions of pounds of salmon carcasses. Then think about the 2 lb of eggs each mating pair nested in the streams, all of the insects, frogs, bacteria, snakes, birds, minks and fishers, etc that lived off of the eggs which were poorly nested, damaged, discovered, etc. Then the billions of fry which hatched in the spring, again feeding frogs, snakes, birds, small mammalian predators, bacteria, plankton, etc. All that food source went away.

How did that change the ecology?

Now think about the amount of water the forest lost to cities and farms, probably more than half of all northern California water has been diverted away from the natural rivers and into aquaducts taking it to cities, where it is used and flushed out to the ocean without visiting the river systems of the lower foothills and valley. Think about all the lost evaporation. Even water destined for the Klamath River in Oregon gets diverted at Whiskeytown reservoir and sent to Los Angeles (about 800 miles away). The central valley is a desert, but it used to have summer rain before the water diversions.