Highest Rated Comments

EdzelLTT2234 karma

Cheap deoderant.

EdzelLTT2210 karma

You can use deodorant on your feet.

EdzelLTT1851 karma

So when Luke, Linus, and I would drive from NCIX late at night on Fridays (we would carpool) the conversations ALWAYS went:

1) Are we friends? 2) Linus Media Group is a stupid company name.

This went on for a few months, without fail.

EdzelLTT1801 karma

Oh, snap.

EdzelLTT1755 karma

I didn't point it at my junk intentionally, it was just angled up, from the floor, and towards my body. The dimensions just ended up having it pointed at my junk.

Also, you have to keep the boys warm, ya know.