Highest Rated Comments

EdinMiami105 karma

You should be ashamed of this answer.

PSLF is "legit for sure" ? gtfo with this bs. 1% of loans were forgiven. 1 fucking percent.

I guess the other 99% of college graduates can't read?

EdinMiami26 karma

Interesting that not one of your follow up questions had anything to do with the issue.

Also interesting that in your follow up to his answer you admit that you won't stop an officer in public who is exceeding his authority and you failed to mention taking the matter any higher.

Can you see where even "good" officers are in the wrong and how this looks to the public?

EdinMiami3 karma

Citizens >> people >> corporations

Agreed. I'm with ya buddy, end corporate welfare.

EdinMiami2 karma

I live in a state where weed is legal.

I work for a city that requires I have a Class A CDL. The City does randoms; 1 month suspension, 5yr probation.

I rarely drive a commercial vehicle.

In the winter, we are expected to drive 16hr days until the snow plow operation is over.

Can the City penalize us for smoking weed off the clock even though it appears this is the only DOT regulation they follow?

EdinMiami1 karma

Hate corned beef and cabbage, but after two days of not eating, it was the best meal I've ever eaten.

What is the conclusion on insect eating and a lack of food/choices?