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Ecator6 karma

I must have an over active imagination because I do that sometimes as well and I haven't been in any kind of situation like you went through. I think it just comes down to a realization of how fragile life really is and how little control you really have over how long it lasts. Kind of a dark thought but since you don't really have that much control over it you shouldn't be afraid. Just realize it for what it is, and appreciate that you are alive and can be with your friends and family and make the most out of your life.

Ecator3 karma

Just wanted to say thanks for making the application of technology to keep players safe your priority. Whatever the cost if your product can save a life or save one person from a really bad injury I would say it was worth it. I guess I have to ask a question so how do you motivate yourself after a setback?

Ecator3 karma

Therein lies the root of the problem. Once you accept and genuinely feel like I would be better off if this person were no longer here, or even worse everyone would be better if this person were no longer here, how much farther is it till you could go to a rally with other like minded people and hold up signs saying it? Once you do that now you have a mob mentality of people forcing it and somewhere in between you went from being someone pointing at someone else who is holding up a sign you don't like to being someone holding up a sign that others are pointing at.

I don't know that humanity will ever reach a point where hate of other people will ever be gone. I am thankful though that we have people like Keshia Thomas who can help remind everyone to stop before it goes to far. It is easy to see hate in others but it takes a lot to accept that hate is something that can be within yourself as well and its something that sometimes takes effort to keep it in check. It is okay for other people to have different colored skin other than your own, it is okay for other people to have different ideas and beliefs other than your own, even in the more extreme cases where those beliefs directly clash with your own. The end of the day it is your choice. You can be someone that hates others for whatever reason, or you can be someone who accepts others however they are.

Ecator2 karma

Yeah I suppose it does depend on the game, VR works great for games where your doing something like flying a plane or a spaceship. Thanks for the reply and for the work you have done on some great games. Spent a fair amount of time playing age of empires back in the day.

Ecator2 karma

Do you have any plans or ideas for games in VR? I would imagine the next few years in game making will be exciting with a possible new medium coming up with the release of headsets like the oculus rift. I have seen a few of the demos some game designers have made early on and some look really promising. I am looking forward to see what creative game experiences people will come up with for the VR medium.