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Eaer513 karma

Hey! So I have a friend of a friend who is currently doing research at the University of Minnesota on this exact condition! He said that they are actually very close to a breakthrough and are in consideration for a Nobel prize! You should think about contacting them to see if there is anything you could participate in!

Eaer139 karma

So I talked to my friend, and he is actually going in on Tuesday to talk to them about having a volunteer job there! So after that I will definitely get back to you about about if they need any volunteers or anything!

He also gave me a little rundown on what their working on. Don't quote me on this as he just told over the phone and I probably won't get it 100% right but he said that they're attempting to take healthy skin from other places on your body and place it on the affected patches and with stem cells convince the bad spots to take the healthy skin and create the connection between the two layers of skin that previously would not have been able to. That's just what I understood from what he told me over the phone! So please do not quote me, or flame me for getting something wrong! I'll definitely PM you after he goes and talks to them!

Also about the Nobel prize topic, my friend said that his friend said that the work had Nobel prize potential if they are able to perfect it, imagine all people who are affected by the condition being cured! In my book that is definitely worthy material for the prize. I was excited when I commented and should not have made such a overzealous remark I apologize.

Eaer16 karma

What is your favorite color?

Also do you think you would ever leave NASA to work with a better funded outfit? Such as the ESA or a privately funded operation.

Eaer12 karma

Do you enjoy working there more?