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EColi45215 karma

I recently started watching all of the Breaking Bad seasons and managed to catch up and see the finale of season 4 and was blown away! Your acting in the show, despite not saying a whole lot, but kicking ass and taking names instead made for a great role between you and your twin on the show. So to my question, how was it to work with Cranston and the other actors on the show, as well as the director(s)? Also what caused your extreme reversal in taking the "straight and narrow" path as they say, what with coming out of jail and marrying a parole officer?

EColi4522 karma

Dan! Huge fan! My question is: how much do you listen to NPR? It seems like everything you do relates to NPR in some capacity and I love that. That is one of the best news sources I listen to and its great to hear a new perspective on some of the stuff. Also, where do you gather other ideas for your now I knows?