Highest Rated Comments

E-Miles7 karma

Thank you for all the work you've all done so far. It can't be said enough.

  1. When it comes to utilizing social media for activism what, if any, limitations do you find? Is it more difficult to communicate across differences when character limits often restrict the full communication of complex ideas?

  2. There have also been concerns raised about the lack of male involvement in the blacklivesmatter movement. Do you find that to be a valid concern, and if so what can be done to ameliorate that issue?

E-Miles4 karma

Appreciate it! Don't hesitate to let the modteam know if there's anything we can do to make it better.

E-Miles4 karma

Thanks for the insight!

E-Miles3 karma

Thanks for the insight!

E-Miles3 karma

How difficult is it, as a professional, to weed through leaks/rumors coming from agents, teams, and players to form a complete story?

is there any player you've interacted with that seems markedly different than they let on in the media?