Highest Rated Comments

DystryR122 karma

Hello Mr. Cantwell! thanks for doing his AMA!

First off, I'm a huge star wars fan - and pretty much have been for as long as I can remember.

My first question; what is your opinion on the derivative ships from your original designs? Most notably the ARC-170 (X-Wing) & to a lesser extent the Jedi Starfighters.

Do you like the designs from a 'lore' standpoint that dictates these designs eventually became yours?

Second question; what was your favorite ship design in the Star Wars universe? (Made by you or not, whichever answers the question!)

Thanks again!

DystryR50 karma

Cheech! I'm a huge fan of you and your movies. I can recite most of "Up In Smoke" by memory.

My question for you, I know you do some standup - any chance of you putting out a comedy special? Perhaps a-la Netflix?

Thanks again!

DystryR18 karma

What about Tied-stick, man?

DystryR2 karma

I hope it just depends on if he's got any or not