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DudeVonDude_S3202 karma

It’s possible that the surgeon didn’t just want to do random extra surgeries. Sometimes they run into issues that require taking a different approach. This is always something that is discussed before scheduling a surgery (in my experience), and it’s also been a part of every consent form I’ve signed.

I’m not gonna say the OP is lying, but there is no way for us to verify some of his claims. And the claims regarding motive don’t seem like something even the OP can know.

Edit: Not just possible, but highly likely.

DudeVonDude_S3137 karma

Yeah. The overall tone of one or two of my replies here has been a little colored by the “evil surgeons” attitudes I’ve seen around the thread.

Dad’s an ENT. Most selfless, helpful man I know. Other surgeons, physicians, and nurses in my family, all good people, almost all went into the field because they wanted to help. Spent years worth of my life in hospitals (as a patient), and met some of the best people I know. Attitudes like this trigger me a bit 😳

DudeVonDude_S399 karma

Hey! First off, congrats on two years! Second, and I promise there’s a reason I’m sharing this, I was first diagnosed when I was 15 (almost 16). Hodgkin’s 2B. Had a couple relapses, and it’s been a bit over 12 years since the second relapse. yadda yadda.

Here’s my point: adolescent cancer survivors have a higher prevalence of PTSD than the general population (50% show at least 2 symptoms, and 20% develop full-blown PTSD). It also doesn’t usually show up immediately. We tend to develop it later on (early to mid twenties).

This is just a heads up so it can be on your radar. I went undiagnosed for years. I won’t go into the details of how bad it got, but it was really bad. Talk to your oncologist and psychiatrist about it.

Also, talk to your parents about it. They actually get PTSD at a higher rate than the adolescent survivors do! (Siblings are also at risk, but less so than survivors and their parents.)

Treatment keywords to look into if it ever becomes necessary: EMDR (cognitive behavioral therapy with some extra steps), and psychedelic microdosing.

DudeVonDude_S363 karma

Proof that OP has ENS. Not that the surgeon did this for shiggles.

DudeVonDude_S322 karma

Why are you asking this question to a lawyer with a vested interest in saying no?