DubbieDubbie18 karma2020-12-10 23:35:01 UTC
Shodan also allows you to set up alerts if anything on your home network is discovered by shodans crawlers. I think you need a paid account but you can get a lifetime account very cheaply when they go on sale.
Very very useful too
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DubbieDubbie7 karma2017-06-24 22:00:55 UTC
What is your opinion of the colorizebot?
DubbieDubbie3 karma2017-06-24 22:15:54 UTC
Ok, but how 'impressed' are you from a professional standpoint of the techbology?
DubbieDubbie1 karma2019-11-03 19:30:51 UTC
Or Rojava.
DubbieDubbie18 karma
Shodan also allows you to set up alerts if anything on your home network is discovered by shodans crawlers. I think you need a paid account but you can get a lifetime account very cheaply when they go on sale.
Very very useful too
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